A little about Juris Fabrilis
Juris Fabrilis is a technology services company based in Bedford Texas that provides tech services to lawyers in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.
Since 2009, Juris Fabrilis has been heavily involved in the fabric of the legal services community in Tarrant county, most notably Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans – an amazing program that helps our veterans with their legal issues.
Over the years, Juris Fabrilis has supported every major legal services organization in Tarrant county in one way or another. The Tarrant County Bar Association continues to be one of our best (and most interesting) clients. The Tarrant County Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, the Tarrant County Family Law Bar Association and the Tarrant County Bar Foundation are a few of the groups that we’ve supported over the years.
The technicians and consultants at Juris Fabrilis come from a long line of Enterprise solutions providers. Hewlett Packard Company, Microsoft and Cox Communications are a few of note.
We provide managed services to our clients, such as: offsite backup, fully managed antivirus and anti-malware solutions to name a few. But our real expertise is in solution design and implementation.
When prospective clients come to us for help, they are looking for professional and courteous help. We provide that and much more.
Upgrading clients from Yahoo/AOL to Microsoft Office 365, helping them purchase the right equipment the first time and using break/fix remote sessions as a training and teaching tool are some of the things that we enjoy – which makes us stand apart from our competitors.
Additionally, understanding the requirements for eFiling doesn’t hurt. We developed multiple training programs to assist local lawyers with their eFiling challenges. Providing attorneys with top-notch Adobe Acrobat training was a great way to pass along some of our knowledge to them – and most importantly – to help them get their filings accepted the first time.
We’ve also worked directly with a couple of the courts in downtown Fort Worth. The Mahon Inn of Court is another fantastic group with an amazing program – we’ve have been honored to work with them on multiple projects, including some really awesome interview videos.
At the end of the day, we support attorneys with their technology. Phones, internet, network installations – you name it, we do it.