Juris Fabrilis' Tech Tips for Lawyers

Improving Marketing Effectiveness

Improving Marketing Effectiveness

March 04, 20241 min read

Improving Marketing Effectiveness with Juris Fabrilis, Inc’s Jeffrey Sanford. Mr. Sanford was invited to present at the Tarrant County Bar Association (Texas) Annual Marketing Seminar for attorneys and this year, Mr. Sanford’s presentation was about ‘Improving Marketing Effectiveness’. This podcast is an audio recording of the actual presentation – and luckily – the presentation deck is attached for your convenience! Improving Your Marketing Effectiveness 03-03-2017

In this episode, Mr. Sanford covers Marketing Planning & Execution, Digital Considerations and Traditional Marketing Considerations for attorneys. He covers topics such as ‘How To Make A Marketing Plan’, ‘How To Execute A Marketing Plan’ and most importantly ‘SEO is not mayonnaise’. The Digital and Traditional Consideration sections of the presentation provide a lot of insight for Attorneys who are just starting out or maybe need to re-tool their marketing efforts.

Improving Marketing Effectiveness is a great presentation for anyone interested in basic marketing ideas, skills and tactics.


Juris Fabrilis delivers specialized MSP/IT and technology consulting services exclusively to law firms across the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.

The Juris Fabrilis team brings decades of combined expertise in every aspect of IT services, including enterprise IT solutions, datacenter management, enterprise help desk support, consulting, and system development and design.

Juris Fabrilis

Juris Fabrilis delivers specialized MSP/IT and technology consulting services exclusively to law firms across the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. The Juris Fabrilis team brings decades of combined expertise in every aspect of IT services, including enterprise IT solutions, datacenter management, enterprise help desk support, consulting, and system development and design.

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Improving Marketing Effectiveness

Improving Marketing Effectiveness

March 04, 20241 min read

Improving Marketing Effectiveness with Juris Fabrilis, Inc’s Jeffrey Sanford. Mr. Sanford was invited to present at the Tarrant County Bar Association (Texas) Annual Marketing Seminar for attorneys and this year, Mr. Sanford’s presentation was about ‘Improving Marketing Effectiveness’. This podcast is an audio recording of the actual presentation – and luckily – the presentation deck is attached for your convenience! Improving Your Marketing Effectiveness 03-03-2017

In this episode, Mr. Sanford covers Marketing Planning & Execution, Digital Considerations and Traditional Marketing Considerations for attorneys. He covers topics such as ‘How To Make A Marketing Plan’, ‘How To Execute A Marketing Plan’ and most importantly ‘SEO is not mayonnaise’. The Digital and Traditional Consideration sections of the presentation provide a lot of insight for Attorneys who are just starting out or maybe need to re-tool their marketing efforts.

Improving Marketing Effectiveness is a great presentation for anyone interested in basic marketing ideas, skills and tactics.


Juris Fabrilis delivers specialized MSP/IT and technology consulting services exclusively to law firms across the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.

The Juris Fabrilis team brings decades of combined expertise in every aspect of IT services, including enterprise IT solutions, datacenter management, enterprise help desk support, consulting, and system development and design.

Juris Fabrilis

Juris Fabrilis delivers specialized MSP/IT and technology consulting services exclusively to law firms across the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. The Juris Fabrilis team brings decades of combined expertise in every aspect of IT services, including enterprise IT solutions, datacenter management, enterprise help desk support, consulting, and system development and design.

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